Way Forward
Population growth in planet earth requires a potent food system around the world to meet demand side in a desired manner. Unfortunately, population and natural resources are not appropriately distributed around the world and an unbalanced situation has been created in the recent centuries. As a result, agricultural scientists are trying to produce new methods of safe and nutritious food production to enhance food security and cope with climate change simultaneously. ABANGAN MAGAZINE in its new activity era has decided to initiate a Biotechnology sector. In this regard, all multidisciplinary studies in the field of water, energy, food, biotechnology, haloengineering and microbiology sciences will be accepted to be published in this magazine. Our board of editors are more than happy to enhance public awareness and review your researches in a professional manner.
The fourth and most advanced type of collaboration for innovation is the ecosystem.
Today, companies like Salesforce – client relationship management systems, IMEC – Nano electronics, Korean Air – air travel, and ENEL – electricity and gas distribution are just a few examples of how ecosystems can and should be used to create value which no single organization can create on its own.
All in all, ecosystems are typically characterized by:
The absence of a formal authority,
Strong dependencies among members,
A common set of goals and objectives, and
A shared set of (complementary) knowledge and skills.
Our editors name, affiliation and fields of interest have been provided in the following.
We are all happy to announce that ABANGAN MAGAZINE will restart its activity in 2021.